Friday, November 19, 2010

Chapter 15

A concept in chapter 15 that I found interesting is the concept of tracing the cause backwards.  One of my biggest pet peeves is when a person cannot take responsibility for their actions and excuse themselves by blaming other people or things that happened.  A lot of the time this is done by tracing the cause backwards.  Like the book said- you could trace the cause backwards and keep moving the cause of an event backwards forever.  I find the best and most honest and respectable way to explain the cause of something is to put the responsibility on yourself, and then if asked further you could explain some of the other causes that may have triggered an event.  Looking back in time and trying to figure out the exact cause of everything that happened can be a waste of time, what happened is done no matter how it was caused.  So be careful when you are tracing a concept backwards and make sure to, at most, only go back a little bit.   

1 comment:

  1. I also enjoyed this section of this chapter. I agree with you that tracing backwards would help find the cause. It is something that I almost live by. I like to trace things to the reason and cause to figure things out. The book also explained in an earlier chapter that the best source is our memory. Although looking backwards can be almost a waste of time, like you stated, it can be useful for other situations. I also agree that we have to be careful because people can use it to distract others from blaming them. So like you said we should be careful.
