Thursday, November 4, 2010

appeals to emotions

Appeals to emotion work on some people more than others.  Unfortunately, there are some people who just cannot say no if someone makes an appeal to their pity, or if they pull a guilt card on them.  Same as there are some people who are way too easily swayed by an appeal to fear, or the idea that two wrongs make a right.  Do not let yourself be someone who is too easily affected by your emotions, it is important to be able to think something over rationally and separate it from your emotions in order to make a good decision.  I think appeal to pity and guilt are the most common appeals to emotion that I see, because more often than not they end up working.  People get too caught up in how they feel to rationally make a decision that may be best for them in the long run.  You see this a lot in situations regarding romantic relationships between two people, and I am sure every has experienced a significant other at some point in time using an appeal to their pity or guilt in order to get them to do something. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. I found it very relatable. You made your explanation relatable to real life experiences, which makes it easier to understand. I definitely agree that people are too easily affected by their emotions. They just let their emotions get the best of them which puts them in a vulnerable position. And I DEFINITELY do see appeal to pity in romantic relationships. “But we’ve been together for so and so years”, is a common appeal to pity people put on their significant others. Majority of the time, I see this and it’s like the magic word for couples and they stay together because of the guilt they feel when someone they care about says that to them.
