Friday, November 12, 2010

Reasoning by Analogy

I looked up reasoning by analogy.  Reasoning by criteria was actually more difficult for me but I could not find any other sort of information on it.  Anyways, the page that I read, from Stanford, explains that reasoning by analogy is simply comparing two different things in a logical way.  Through a very lengthy and rather obtuse example about comparing fruit, they explain that in order to compare things you need to look at each individual aspect of them and see how they relate to each other.  Finally, when enough connections are made, or more connections are made to one idea than another, you can reason by analogy that there is a relationship between them.  This particular example REALLY emphasizes the importance of comparing ALL the aspects of the things you are comparing, and that way you have the most accurate conclusion that you can come to by this form of reasoning. 

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