Thursday, November 18, 2010

mission : critical

I really liked the mission critical website.  It covered almost every single idea we have learned in class so far, and it is very organized and designed in a way that makes it very easy to understand.  The first section covers what arguments are made of and the basic element you find in an argument.  For example, in the section called “premises, conclusions, and support”, it explains that an argument has one conclusion, and two premises.  Then, it goes on to describe the many different ways a premises can be supported. It does a great job explaining a difficult concept in a fast, simple way.  I also like how it has lots of examples and practice quizzes, especially once it gets to the next section called “Analysis of Arguments”.  The sections progress in difficulty, which makes most sense and also makes the information the most easy to understand and grasp.  This is a great website and I am going to use it to study.   

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