Monday, November 15, 2010

Casual Arguements

To be honest, the cause and effect website did not help me very much.  The way it was worded was very confusing and was not straightforward enough to explain a new point.  However, what made it manageable and what was the most helpful thing about this web page was that the tracked the same example throughout the entire page, and every time they introduced a new topic (ie. how acceptable or demonstrable the implied comparison is), afterward they show a snippet of exactly what part of their example argument they are referring to with their slightly confusing statements.  Also, I like how they progress the example they add new information to teach us how tracking the information and events is important to figuring out what caused what and eventually the whole concept of causal arguments.  I would not rank this high as a learning site though, it almost confused me more than it helped.


  1. I agree with your opinion about the descriptions at the start of the website. They were not the best source of information. I found that I had to read over the pages more than once to make sense of what it was trying to explain. But, I feel that reading over and completing the exercises at the end of the website was much more helpful. I missed one of the questions and was unsure why, but there are great explanations for every choice. So, if you make a mistake you can go back and actually see why your answer was wrong to begin with. I also found that this topic made more sense to me after doing the Epstein reading for the week.

  2. Hi, I also agree with you about the description on this website. I found it confusing at first but after reading several times it does make a bit more sense. It matter of fact some of the descriptions in this website still confuse me. I agree with SammyGirl, that reading this over and doing the exercises at the end of the website does improve your understanding of the description. In my opinion doing the exercises after reading the explanations of the concept is helpful because it lets you practices. Overall I would not rank this website high as well, but probably around the middle.

  3. Hey wanderwonder, I like your post and how honest you were about it! I actually thought that it was really weird how this website seemed to go straight into an example for causal arguments, while I was expecting to see a definition or two about it. I am not a fan of how this site works backwards in describing causal arguments after giving a decent example about it. However, it is cool that they have different exercises to give you practice on this concept. If it helps, an example that I used for this is how in a court room, the lawyers of the plaintiff and the defendent try to reach a verdict through many different causal arguments.
