Thursday, September 2, 2010

Prescriptive and Descriptive Claims

Prescriptive and descriptive claims are interesting to me because I hear them a lot in day to day life. It reminds me of how in my statistics class we are learning about the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics, descriptive being explaining how something is and inferential being using that information to make a projection onto the future. The only difference I really see is that in statistics, the descriptions and projections into the future are more based on actual facts and statistics, versus prescriptive and descriptive claims which are more based on feelings and opinions, especially the prescriptive ones. These claims can be different based on the individual’s morals and beliefs. For instance, if someone were to say abortions is murder (descriptive) so women should choose not to get abortions (prescriptive), this reflects the individuals personal opinion and beliefs and there could be a just as strong descriptive and prescriptive claim supporting the other side.

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