Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Since it is the begining of school, I have heard a lot of my friends complaining on how how they are having such a hard time "getting classes".  This is very vauge because it does not really describe what exactly they are having trouble with, because it could be many things.  Also, it doesnt really describe how hard of a time they are having, or what specific type of classes they have having a hard time enrolling in.  There are many possibilities- there could be not enough sections of a specific class they want and so they cannot enroll it it.  Or maybe they cannot find a class that is at a time that they can make.  Most commonly, and what I assume they mean when I hear them say this, it means that they are trying to add a class and the classes that fit their time schedule are too full and there are not enough spots.  I feel that also it is assumed that when people say they are having a hard time getting classes, the word classes refers to something other than very basic classes that SJSU offers, or in other word classes that are relevent to their major.  A more specific way they could complain about this would be to say, "I am having a hard time trying add a couple of science classes that I am on the waiting list for".  However, usually with a few quick questions these ambiguities can be cleared away and all is well in the world. 

1 comment:

  1. Wanderwonder,
    I like your post about the trouble of "getting classes" at school. I have also heard nothing but people complaining about how they did not get classes that they need. When students complain about it, I wonder if they did not take the time to get their class numbers and scheduling times organized prior to the date and time in which they are allowed to enroll. Every semester I look on ratemyprofessors and organize my class numbers of the classes I want to take, and have not had any trouble at all. The only problem I had this semester was that I did not take the WST until the end of summer, so I was not able to enroll in 100W, but still got all GE classes I needed, so I would not say that I had trouble "getting classes."
