Thursday, August 26, 2010


I am a sophomore at SJSU, and this is my first online class and experience ever with working with a blog.  I took a COMM class last sememster, but even prior to that I feel I had fairly good communication skills.  I work at a pool where for the past 4 years I have been teaching swim lessons, which requires a lot of practice and preperation especially for the first couple years.  This past year I got promoted to assistant manager, which changed my audience from a bunch of 9 year olds to their parents, and I have gotten really good at listening to people complain and explaining to them what we can and cannot do to help them.  I am really excited to learn from this course how to find my way around a blog, since I have always been technology challenged, and to be able to better my communication skills that can help me at my work and also in my remaining years here at San Jose State. 

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