Friday, September 3, 2010

Subjective and Objective Claims

Subjective and Objective claims remind me of how critical people are of themselves. People often say about themselves “I am bad at math” or “I look terrible today” making critical remarks about themselves based personal standards. A lot of the time, these subjective claims are not completely accurate because they are completely based on the opinion of the person speaking about themselves. I think subjective claims made about yourself are the most inaccurate because of how critical people are of themselves. A if people were to support these subjective claims with objective claims such as “I got a 42 percent on my math test” or “I didn’t have time to shower today”, then I am more likely to take what I am being told with more consideration. These objective statements are much more true because they are based on impersonal standards, things that can be measured and therefore there is no vagueness about exactly the extent or degree the subjective claim. However, it is more likely that people want to say things with their own twist and you will hear stories about people’s days made out of more subjective claims, because we all love to exaggerate.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the way you explained the differences between subjective and objective claims. I believe in what you said about how people use subjective claims a lot to be critical of others and of themselves.
    At times I believe that subjective claims are used by people in order to gain compliments from others to make them feel better about themselves, or in order to start an unnecessary argument.
    I agree with you about how it helps to have statistical back up in order to believe a certain claim.
    I also have to agree with you about how people use subjective claims in order to make a situation sound better or worse. I also believe that people want to hear subjective claims more than objective because they don't want to know the actual truth.
