Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Communicating in Organizations

I feel like I may have more experience than the average college student in communicating in social organizations.  I can think of different examples of groups I have been in that are either very open to voicing ideas and change and on the other end very steady and unchanging.  When I was young, I grew up on a court where there were 14 kids.  We formed a club which we called the “KC Club” and what we did pretty much consisted of having lemonade sales in order to raise enough money to buy slip n’ slides, since every time we bought one we almost instantly broke it.  In this organization, if anyone had any ideas of how we could come up with a way to make any sort of money (we did resort to trimming weeds out of driveways once), they were immediately brought up, discussed, and almost always put into place.  Another organization that I am a part of where communication is encouraged is my sorority.  They always welcome suggestions to change, although the system they have set up is way more tried and tested than my KC Club days, so change is less likely to happen.  Going to church it is even less appropriate to suggest change.  If you were to raise your hand in church and suggest you change a hymn or the way a prayer is done, people would just laugh at you.  There are ways to make suggestions like that, but it is appropriate to know which forum it is most appropriate for bring your suggestions to in each organization, and if you are not sure or new to ask.  That way your ideas can be best heard and considered. 

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