Thursday, December 9, 2010

Favorite and Least Favorite Things about the Class

My favorite thing about this class was learning how to blog.  Even though my grandparents like to joke about how my generation blogs and “tweets” about everything, I happen to very technologically challenged and I have never even seen a blog before, much less write one.  I was surprised how easy it was for even me to figure out, it actually did not detract from my learning at all like I thought it would.  My least favorite part of the course was sometimes the content seemed a little repetitive or obvious, and even though I liked the focus it had I would have preferred something either a little faster paced or a little bit harder to understand.  All in all this class was nice and was a good experience for my first online class, because the fact that it was online did not detract from my learning experience one bit. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree that my favorite part of this class was blogging. It was fun and easy to learn and it was great to read each other’s thoughts and opinions on the different concepts. I like how you talked about how our generation blogs about everything. It’s becoming increasingly true because we are being pushed to use that technology. I feel like blogging made learning the concepts easier because other students who understood certain concepts that I did not understand would post those concepts and the way they worded it would make it easier to understand than the book would explain it.
