Friday, October 8, 2010

Reasoning from Hypothesis

Sometimes, when people make a point they like to state their point first.  Then, if it is disputed, they will back it up with more claims and reasons why their original point is true.  This is a good way to say something if you don’t think you will have to explain yourself.  It could possibly say you time if your point isn’t questioned.  The format for this is stating your point (A) and then in questioned follow up with an argument to support your hypothesis or point (B).  Then, if your argument is valid, “A then B” will ring true.  An example of this would be if someone told me that they wanted to shop online, and I told them that if they wanted to do that they would have to give their credit card information to the website.  If they asked why, I would explain that you can’t pay in cash over the internet and there is no other way that you can pay for whatever you are trying to purchase.  Therefore, If you buy something online you must pay with a credit card. 

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