Thursday, October 21, 2010

Class Assignments

The assignments that we have done for this class I feel are very relevant to a lot of work we are going to be doing in out college careers.  Being able to think critically about something you find online is something we have to do almost every time we do an assignment outside of the classroom.  It’s important to be able to know what is a good argument versus something that uses tricks to be appealing.  Also, it helps me be able to formulate my arguments better in a way I can be more confident of and help get my point across in the most intelligent way.  The assignments take what we read about in the book and write about on out blogs and turns it into real-life, useful situations.  I like to think of it as the final step after we learn things in class- figuring out how to use them in our lives. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there! I agree with you that these tools will help us become better debaters and see arguments in a different way. We are able to use these tool to make our arguments seem stronger and be more valid. It is something that we use in real life situation. For example we had to pick an advertisement and dissect it to find its claims and as well as its validity. It was an easy and simple example that we had to use for real life situations. We have to decide ourselves whether a product is useful. We can't be sold on everything someone throws at us.
